Some of you may have noticed that the web site was down for a couple months. There was a very unfortunate incident of a hacker bringing down their site & stealing from them. But the guy was caught and charged for the crime and now is back up. The site is secure and they are ready for their visitors to return. So please show Tamara your support and stop by, maybe send an email of encouragement to her. She's been through a lot, so your support will keep her going on her hard work over there.
Funkey Fever has the Paradox Green Funkeys in stock, as well as the earlier series of Funkeys for those of you trying to complete your collection. Here's the link to their buying page:
Saturday, August 22, 2009 is back up & running
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wendy's kids meal UB Funkey Bobblehead
I believe this will be our limit on Wendy's kids meals, this is our second one and we got the bobblehead.Here's a picture of the bobblehead with Nectar & Maul to give you an idea of the size in comparison to a real ("Playable") U.B. Funkey.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tadd is my new favorite Funkey!
We found Tadd today and I have decided that he's now my favorite Funkey! He's so cute! (and I have no idea why there's an underline under all the text I'm typing, I can't get it off!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Hunt for Paradox Green/Series 5 UB Funkeys Is On!
It's that time again when we are obsessively stopping in at all the Target stores, ToysRUs, KMart, and Walmarts as the opportunity may allow. Liam & I have not had any luck yet. But it appears Roco, Akaabbey, Neos123141, Wear Wolf, Obsessed Funkey, and others have had better luck. eBay was the first place to find them, but now there are many reports of Paradox Green/ Series5 Funkeys at
This is Roco's picture of his Very Rare (so far, everyone has got the VR ones) Rastro and Tadd. Roco's blog is
Please check back soon....
I'll be back with some pictures and links to blogs with good pictures. (If anyone wants to give me permission to post their pictures of PG Funkeys & link posted, let me know!)
Here is a list of product codes that Akaabbey got from the packages. You can call the store ahead of time to see if they are in stock.
UPC: Tadd - 027084779660, Rastro - 027084779653, Nectar - 027084780444, Maul - 027084780451, Ace - 027084778677, Mulch - 027084779684
Happy Funkey hunting!