Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Latest Funkey Family Photo

I finally took the time to line up our little UB Funkey dudes to take the latest photo. It was a challenge to get them to all stand still long enough and look at the camera to get this shot. But they were great and when I said "smile and say, 'Be Funkey'", they all cooperated and I think it turned out quite well!
So there it is, one of each tribe. I left out our duplicates, we only have a few with different rarities in the same tribe.
I've been meaning to get this shot for a while now & thought we'd better do it before the Hidden Realm are released (anytime now! There will be more on that soon) and then our next Funkey hunt begins.


Anonymous said...

You've got a very rare Dyer!!! Noo fair he's my fave funkey well all Dyer are my fave but he's the best! How did you get him I've been looking everywere for him? Oh well back to the hunt.
-Funk on

OldManDoge said...

I only need Lucky to get at least 1 of every funkey. Any1 help me??

Unknown said...

Where do you get it and can i get it all for cheap?

Anonymous said...

no fair how did you get master lox and his henchmen

Unknown said...

Where did you get master lox and henchman?

Anonymous said...

not to be a showoff, but when I get mulch and the funkeys town adventure pack, I am going to put up both my adventure packs, all my chats and ace and mulch.I will put them next to the ub as if you would stand regular funkeys in front or next to him.

Anonymous said...

where did you get the speed racer funkeys,berger,lucky,tank,stitch, lotus,vroom,holler,gabby,rewind,glub,sprout,nibble,sol,and flurry?

Anonymous said...

hi how did you find all those funkeys? i have only found 1 pack of funkeys and that was about 2 years ago. im 12 and i have a hard time finding them. i only have a twinx and a scratch :(

Anonymous said...

No Ace or Mulch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!