I was excited to walk into a K-Mart and actually see the UB Funkey Adventure Pack with Mayor Sayso, Master Lox, a Henchman and Bones. I didn't include Bones picture because.......well, do we really care about Bones anymore?
Liam is very anxious to get exploring with the addition to our collection, so I am to get off of here and let him do that. But then I'll come back later and share what we find, and maybe post some screen shots.
Meanwhile, this is what Sneck shared with us on the FunkeyFanForum after she got the Adventure Pack yesterday:
Henchman can steal a coin from funkeys but its kinda tricky gotta be directly in front of them and you only get a coin (Berger gave a piece of cake when my 12yr old played).
Villain's Den is pretty cool the game takes 20 coins to play you catch
coins and have to avoid the black ones before times up got about 42 coins the one time I got to play.Master Lox and the henchman can't get into anything but the villain's den. With Master Lox basically you can go around and scare people (this was what my 12 year old told me).
Cool so can you get the henchman game in your crib and the trophy?
So do henchman come in diffrent color like red, green, purple, and blue and also so if you go steal money from a berger instead he gives you a cake?
How do you steal coins is there a button or something because I am going to kmart later and I might find one
Doesnt mayor sayso have a longer beard
How old is Liam now?
Hey Liam from ubfunkeysarefun I live in SW Virginia but down here we get funkeys months and months after the rest of the U.S. I convinced my parents to take a weekend trip to Northern VA were you live so what town do you live in
Pit272 today i added you. HAHA,that rhymed. I'm RUINSCAPE75. Here's my blog URL if you don't know it, http://ubfunkeysinfo.blogspot.com/
Hey whoever told Liam your address not only Liam could see it but lots of bad people might go on this blog check the comments and see that comment you posted. He might say "Hey I'm going to that kids house!", so please don't show your addresses only privately where only the person you want to see it can see it.
BTW I'm not any robber or anything and if you think I really am a robber then to prove it I'll actually delete my important posts if there is any that I think.
What game rooms can mayor sayso go in can he go in dot
Hey Steven, What's that about? At first I thought you meant you aren't a henchman. But then I thought maybe someone said something to you on your blog. Your blog is obviously your original work. Keep it up, and I'll try to help you when I can.
Pit272 - That was us playing you tonight. Didn't you have the Adventure Pack characters?
Thanks akaabbey for helping me get lucky's trophy. Tomorrow if you can help me get snipe, sprocket, and dyer trophy and their hoops and feather. PLEASE GO EASY ON ME I NEVER PLAYED SOME OF THOSE GAMES AND I WANT THE TROPHY, THE HIGHSCORE ITEM, AND TO DEFEAT GOYA THE NIGHTMARE VILLAIN.
You were abbey?
I have so far xener, vroom, boogle, sprout, glub, twinx, deuce, bones, wasabi, stitch, lotus, scratch, waggs, drift, mayor sayso, henchman, master lox, nibble, webley, sol, flurry, jerry pearl, funkiki native, pineapple king, rewind, speed racer, chimchim, snake oiler, vlurp, ptep, and more to come!
Thanks for the fun games robyn and liam I will play you tomorrow X-D
Hi robyn and liam it me pit272, when do hidden realm characters going to come out because since I cant find no daydream oasis characters or tiki or fallout in miami I am going hunting the day it comes out for the very rare ones from target to toys r us to kmart. THE HUNT IS ON THE DAY! 8-D
Robyn, who were you playing as against me what was your name because I was deleting people who dont go on that much anymore, also where did you buy tank, lucky, berger, sprocket, snipe, and dyer did you find them at target, kmart, toys r us because I am hunting.
We were Rotomus. Sorry I was so competitive. I should have gone easier on you! I will next time ;)
I heard something about the end of Nov. or later for Hidden Realm.
Oh okay, I am also competitive but mostly on nintendo game, major nintendo fan right here. See you tomorrow.
Yes was me pit272 (always willing to help) - find me tomorrow for more - still need to get Robyn & Liam added but they are always busy LOL
On Amazon.com (buy through this blog if pre-buying - look up at top)it says Nov 15 but saw on another site it is Dec 15 - so who knows
Steven - I get it now. But they were only saying what region that are in, it is very general & safe that way.
I'll answer generally as well. As far as the area we are in and where we find our Funkeys, there are so many stores in the area of Fairfax/Chantilly/Reston/Sterling/Leesburg that we have 3 Walmarts, 6 Targets, 3 KMarts, 2 Toys R Us. It is still hit-or-miss when we visit the stores, but the odds are in our favor when we shop often & shop many stores!
Just want to suggest that you all might want to hop over to the forum that goes with this blog (FunkeyFanForum) instead of comments. They will post immediately and it might be easier to follow the conversation. I have to moderate all these comments before I put them through, so there is sometimes a delay.
But you are still welcome to post comments. I just won't be around tomorrow for a good part of the day to put them through.
I an't belive you can rob people with the henchman. By the way did you see the new daydream oasis funkey at Toys "R" us for those who don't have one! L8R :D
sorry if that sounded bad before but what area did you get the Kmart exclusive
I'm going to a Target then a Kmart today. Woohoo I'll post if I get both adventure packs, because I heard something about a kid getting the funkiki in stores. So there's still a chance for me. But I'm still bummed out cause of the dot.
Its kinda tricky to steal coins and you only get one been havin lots of problems so just use Master Lox when the hub will take him that way the henchmen bring me a coin lol
What daydream oasis funkey is it a adventure pack because I cant buy ub funkeys for 2 weeks
Just saying good work on this blog.
I have some UB funkeys and UB but my computers not very good so whenever I update, it wont let me back on my user. :( I was also wondering if you could kind of advertise my new blog (http://gaminghq-clawz93.blogspot.
com) as they game it's about is new. Maybe when I get a new laptop this chistmas I'll see you around on Funkeys but it would mean alot to me if you could do that favour. In reaturn I could advertise your webiste on mine?
Robyn you said you couldn't find my blog before so it's
I've added some more posts since you've been there! My other site is
The funkey in the adventure pack is Bones from Magma Gorge
I can wait for next adventure packs, for speed racer it is going to be i think e.p. royalton, spiel, that other drift guy, and extra character, for dream state marshall who is allowed in all game rooms but cant play the games in daydream oasis and nightmare rift, goya that can steal money like natives and henchman but only for nightmare rift, dali that can steal coins like natives and henchman but only for daydream oasis,and a extra character
Just came across this blog during my search of Maps/World info for this game/toy.
I actually grabbed the starter set (Speed Racer) as my niece is getting into them and I wanted to see what they were all about (also as a safety measure). Now, I have 12. They're kinda addicting.
Ultimately, I am more interested in trying to find maps for the different worlds (and who can use what portals).
I just want to add to Pit272's comment that I think those are just guesses, which is fun to do, but I just didn't want anyone to think that we know for sure that those characters will be coming out (Pit272 - you can correct me if I'm wrong on that. Did you hear from any official sources that any of those might be coming out? Or are they all just guesses/wishes?)
Terry ~ They are addicting, and that's how this blog was born! LOL
I think there are maps out there in various places, I'll try to get that info for you.
As for which Funkeys go to which portal, I have a list on the sidebar of this blog where I started to set up character profiles.
I'm glad you found this blog, and I hope you come back!
That's great news, Vromminator! Australia wasn't too far behind this time! I hope you have luck finding more.
Hi Robyn I am sure masrshal, dali, goya, and dr tinker are coming because if you go to chat features and put my favorite funkeys is.. it has them but speed reacer is unknown because it doesnt even say any speed racer characters in my favorite funkeys is...
Sweetness! Went Funkey Hunting today and scored a Sprocket+Fallout! Woot!
I'll be on at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard time, so if any of you wanna add me or play sprocket & Lucky's game, don't hesitate.
(my new saying)
May the Funk be with you!
If you still hav not been to my site here it is http://ubfunkeysinfo.blogspot.com/.
Pit272 ~ Those are good clues there. Good point!
Neonmaster ~ That's a good one about "May the Funk be with you!"
I like it!
I can't belive you have so many funkeys I don't have any adventure packs and you have 2! so cool oh ya there is no daydream oasis adventure packs yet so don't worry. :D but there is a lot of daydream oasis funkeys there at toys"r"us & walmart.com dyer, bergur, lucky... theres tons so go check it out oh ya and one of you guys please be my friend on u.b. funkeys my username is Roco :D thanks later
ffm - I use gadwin www.gadwin.com (it is free) once loaded all you have to do is click the *print screen* button it will capture a picture then you can edit it in paint - you may have to upload it to a free picture hosting site but not sure about blogs but I use photobucket (free also) & once you upload it there it will give you options to post a pic or a link to the pic
w00t! Today's my birthday. I'm gonna have like 40$ to buy funkeys with, so I'll report about that later. If I'm on later, I'll be accepting all game requests, buddy requests and crib requests as a celebration. Hopefully I can meet up with Robyn & Liam!
If you want to meet me I can arrange a time for you since you've got Austrailian Time Zone. That goes for all of you out of US!
May The Funk Be With You!
(and hopefully me too!)
Hey, my funkey name is mfunk04 most of you may already have me, but im here to request anyone to challenge me to either snipes game, luckies game, or dyers game until i get the feather or hoop!! Please i live in Canada and we wont get them them here for a while! I will be on ubfunkeys tomorrow (Monday, October 27) at 6:30pm not sure any other times but anyone with any multiplayer funkey please challenge mfunk04 to any games until i get the hoop or feathers!! It will be very much appreciated!! :)
WOOT! I got an adventure pack for my birthday. it is soo sweet! Buuuut unless target announced this, my parents found this in a target store. cool, huh?
I also have to say that the native's way of taking coins is just like Sneck said.
Anyone got the trophy for Euruption?
I saw on another site that someone got up to 55 & only like 275 coins - not sure if you get trophies or not for Funkiki/Funkeystown adventure packs - yeah sneck was right on with that - same way with the funkeys town pack - BTW - Happy Birthday Neon
mfunk - I think you are on mine - I will try to get on tomorrow - snipes game is not working for me but the others are - try to add Dino24 also he should be on & snipes works on his comp
pit272 - Dino24 (my son) has been playing with you tonight
Mfunk04 I added you when i was playing. My name was ruinscape75. Everyone tomorrow I will post about something you might be excited about so stay tuned.
Thanks, Akaabbey!
I have Lucky and Sprocket. I'll see if I can meet.
Yup, I have added both akaabbey and ruinscape75!! I will try to add dino24 tomorrow. Thanks soo much if you are willing to help me! :) I'll see you tonight at 6:30pm. Thanks soo much!! My cribs are mfunk01, mfunk02, mfunk03 if you want to visit them(the best is mfunk02)
Ps. HAPPY BELATED B-DAY neonmaster!!!!
FFM ~ For screen shots, I just use the "Prnt Scrn" key on my keyboard, then paste it into Paint (Word might work as well).
Mfunk04, I went on at 6:30 and tried to add you but I didn't realize that you were on my buddy list and you are one of the two only people who actually play with me. If you didn't know, I'm that weird kid who is always challanging you to dyer's mp game. (My name is Frogboy96.)
Oh ya i have added you Frogboy96! When you asked me to visit your crib I was actually just about to leave because we had to go out. I'm requesting again if ANYBODY wants to challenge me to dyer, lucky, snipes game please do!! I have already gotten sprockets hoop and trophy but if you want to challenge me ill accept! I REALLY need that hoop and those FEATHERS! I'll be on tomorrow(Tuesday, October 28, 2008)at around 4:45pm But i'll warn you for somebody without any multiplayers i'm very good at their games!! :) Sorry for anybody who was waiting their. But something came up at the last minute (dino24 sorry but i had to go) Tomorrow will be a good day so hopefully i'll see you there!!!!! :P
Pit272 I was wondering if you still play Super Smash Bros Brawl. I thought that because we always play in ub funkeys why not over wifi in Brawl. (If you have wifi that is,) What's your wii's nickname?
Sorry chris I dont have wifi but will get it soon
I scored a Tank, Funkeystown Adventure Pack, Holler Chat Pack, Drift and a Ptep today! I did find something weird though. On the description for the Adventure Pack, it said, "Now play as Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, A henchman and vroom" Vroom?! Odd, eh? I'll send in some pics to you peeps.
May the Funk Be With You!
hi im new
I got snipe today!!!!!!!!
P.S Robyn did you get berger yet?
Hi sammy,
If your new here you're going to love it. The owner, Robyn & Liam, are really nice. I'v been here for almost a year. If you need anything, just ask me and I'll see what I can do.
WTG neon & chris on nice finds!!
Yeah neon ours said that too but had a bones in it - I guess if someone has/gets an extra that could be a collectors item one day since it told the wrong funkey (anytime something says the wrong thing seems to become a collector - we ripped into our as soon as we got it LOL)
pit272 - sorry about yesterday Luckys game was lagging for me (I was actually busy doing something when you asked & thought I was away) I waited then said you had logged off so put on busy again (was trying to work on a crib contest thingie ;) )
Ok akaabbey it just that I am trying to get the feather to try to get the dream catcher story. Also can you help me get snipe and dyer trophy
pit272 - I can try for Dyer & Lucky but snipe is not working on my comp - I will get Dino to help you on that one
hello :( nobodys been helping me... I have been on soo long but whenever I ask everyones said no or didnt respond:(( I need LUCKY and DYERS feather! Somebody, anybody plz help me play enough games so I can make a dreamcatcher! I want to see the video clip and I really want to defeat Goya. All I need is the two feathers!! Is there not anyone who can help?? :( :)
HEY, im almost there! Big thanks to TAIJIN for helping me get the hoop for snipes game YOU ROCK taijin! one of the few ppl who help me thanks soo much!
Happy Halloween Robyn and Liam!!!!!!!!! (.)_(.)
mfunk04 - sorry I have been busy when on trying to finish some gems & other things - I will get on later today & help you with other games if you are on funkeys.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! SUPERBRYAN101 for playin luckys game with me (4 times exactly hmm...) i won the lucky feather and got goya to destroy it!! yaaayy thanks a lot no there's just dyer left! if anyone can challenge me plz do:)
mfunk04 :)
ya, ya, ya i know i talk a lot but i just had to THANK akaabbey for playing dyers game with me so i won the feather!! i'm done for multiplayers thanks a lot everyone!!especially akaabbey :D
Check out the new posts I made at http://ubfunkeysinfo.blogspot.com/.
Robyn has not commented or posted in a long time I wonder whats up?
I'm still here! I think this is the longest I've gone without posting....2 weeks. I'm into a new routine with getting up earlier than usual and working with a trainer at the gym so I'm exhausted adjusting to it, so no more late night posts. That should change soon, maybe a new post today because ...whoa...73 comments on this last post!!!! I need a new post so we can start fresh with comments!
Can you believe Funkeys are not #1 in my life right now? LOL We even have the Funkiki Island adventure pack which finally triggered our update, but still haven't done any quests. Maybe today will be the day!
I'm so very glad that you all haven't given up on this site yet, so glad you kept coming anyway, even without any new info.
Thanks for the Happy Halloween wish! It was fun, hope yours was fun too!
Haha. I thought you gave up on my website! Actually I thought all of you did because nobody is commenting a lot and that makes me think that your not checking my site every now and then. I'm not sad or anything. So you don't have to comment just let me know if you are still all going on my site to check it out. See Ya!
Steven I go to your site EVERY DAY it's just that I don't comment as much anymore. Feels kinda weird ya know?
Mfunk04 I got to say that your making it sound like we're the bad guys because we didn't help you. I did help you a little when I was on I would play dyer's game with you. I still play alot but noone seems to go on any more. Plus every time I go on ub funkeys I try to add many people but noone is ever online.
chris, I'm VERY sorry if I made you or anybody feel that way. :( I just get over excited so if I mentioned something that may have been misunderstood than well all I can do is apologize for my actions and I dont want to start anything like a fight so I'm sorry :(
It's alright, apology accepted. I didn't want to start a fight either. I just wanted to get my thought across.
BTW if any one could help me out I'll be on around 4:30. (If you still don't know it, I'm Frogboy96)
chris - LOL I was feeling like that bad guy - Everyone else was helping but not me!! - we all helped out Mfunk (I just happened to be the one he got his feather on)so don't ever feel like a bad guy!! - we all do to help when we can!!!
I tried to add you tonight chris....will try again later or tomorrow night (where are you from your post was at 5:56 AM - I am still asleep at that time)
:( now everyones making me feel like the bad guy. I said thanks to all who helped it means even if u challenged me once! Plus I'm just one person. There will be plenty of chances to help others and wen I get some multiplayers than I will go out and help anybody else who needs it. So plz nobody feel like "the bad guy" I'm sorry for it ALL :'(
akaabbey I want to point out to NEVER look at the time I give a post because my computer has a very wrong time on it. For example it is now 4:11 pm but my computer says 1:13pm. Unless I put that post up actualy at 5:56 pm before I went to school.
Clawz93, I couldn't find your blog. Is the link working? Or did you delete it?
Hi I always wanted to see the slide show for all these funkeys so if you can can you please post them on the blog or tell me the names of the slide shows so I can find them online thanks.
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