Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can anyone help to answer questions from other UB Funkey players?

If anyone would like to answer or comment on the following questions that are posted on the Funkey Fan Forum, you are welcome to answer on the forums or you can leave a comment here. Thanks!

Posted by Funkatron6000:
Anyone notice the weird, possibly French, message near the funkeystown portal in daydream oasis ? btw it is under a pic of U.B.
click here to answer funkatron6000's question

Posted by Mizlindymay:
I want to get stuff for my treasure chest and when I go to do it it tells me Registration is required, where do I find to register??
click here to answer mizlindymay's question

Posted by padawham:
Something I just realized was that there are rares for hidden realm, but no shop! So what are the bonuses for getting a rare? Besides extra coins.
Click here to answer padawham's question

If you have an outstanding question from the forum that I missed, you are welcome to send me an email: ubfunkeysarefun@gmail.com


Sam2Sar said...

The french prase means

This is not a funkey.

danielthefunkey said...

Wow! Ub Does NOT Be Funkey? That is just weird. Ub is a funkey identity thief. should of know that considering speed racer.

Anonymous said...

ok uh.... i found out the 100% trueth on ub funkeys. here is my story... i did reasurch on the speed racer funkeys. and mattel and others lost millions of dollers. then last night i whent to k mart and i saw a maul. it looked like it was used. almost no plastic covering.i looked on the back of the package and in small letters it sayed "ub funkeys online surveses will be turminated by september 2010"! i looked at other funkeys to see if it sayed that. the onley one that sayed that was necter. i guess because of speed racer ub funkeys will be "killed" or they'll have a final season to it. P.S. ub funkeys forever!!!

Tristan.F said...

Umm how do you use objects like firewirks and others i know lips and dice but not know how to do the others

Hery said...

good, i like it

Anonymous said...

does this mean that funkeys dont exist anymore........