Monday, July 6, 2009

UB Funkey Fans are all around the world!

I am just amazed how far-reaching a blog can be on the internet. I shouldn't be amazed, but I still am! The image below might be too small to see, but it shows some of the recent visitors to my blog. It's a screen capture of my sitemeter for the blog. This shows you how there are UB Funkey fans all over the world. Not all of them have access to buying UB Funkeys (from what I hear), but maybe they are mostly curious because many of the visitors from other countries find my blog through searching google images.

Some of the visitor locations listed below are Italy, Croatia, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Norway, Australia, UK, Belgium. That's just amazing to me! Very cool. And that's just one page, that spans approximately through an hour. I hope they all like what they saw!
Oh, if you can see the first one listed, it's East Aurora, NY. It's someone from Mattel, which always makes me nervous when I see them come! I really do hope they like what they saw and that I'm not doing anything disagreeable!


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Are Mattel workers looking at my blog too then? Spooky if you ask me.

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

thats cool. i expect paradox green to come.

Erik said...

Hello from The Netherlands,

came to this blog through ubfunkeys-thespeakeasy and indeed the UB Funkeys are popular in The Netherlands, although we only have the Funkeytown series (the orange blisters) and some toystores have the Funkiki Island Funkeys in very limited numbers (hard to find).

Incredible that in the USA 3 other series are available (Dreamstate, Hiddenrealm and now Paradox Green), so looking at these blogs gives us lot of useful information on the other Funkeys!
Keep up the good work on the blogs, thanks!

1234ac said...

I have the same brand computer as you! Emachines, right?

superbryan101 said...

UB funkeys are coming to wendys.

FERBROX said...

Howdy from Katy, TX...........
I have been veiwing this blog alot!It's very popular on my fav forum, lucky UBF Blogger Mom!!!!!!!!